'clock1.bas - a clock program for Liberty BASIC 1.0
WindowWidth = 120
WindowHeight = 144
open "Clock" for graphics_nsb_nf as #clock
print #clock, "trapclose [exit]"
for angle = 0 to 330 step 30
print #clock, "up ; home ; north ; turn "; angle
print #clock, "go 40 ; down ; go 5"
next x
print #clock, "flush"
while TrapClose <> "true"
time$ = time$()
hours = val(time$)
if hours > 12 then hours = hours - 12
minutes = val(mid$(time$, 4, 2))
seconds = val(right$(time$, 2))
' if seconds has changed, then redraw the hands
if seconds <> oldSeconds then gosub [display]
TrapClose = ""
goto [exit]
[display] ' call this only when seconds has changed
' delete the last drawn segment, if there is one
if segId > 2 then print #clock, "delsegment "; segId - 1
' center the turtle
print #clock, "up ; home ; down ; north"
' erase each hand if its position has changed
if oldHours <> hours then print #clock, "size 2 ; color white ; turn "; oldHours * 30 + int(oldMinutes/2) ; " ; go 19 ; home ; color black ; north" : oldHours = hours
if oldMinutes <> minutes then print #clock, "size 2 ; color white ; turn "; oldMinutes * 6 ; " ; go 38 ; home ; color black ; north" : oldMinutes = minutes
if oldSeconds <> seconds then print #clock, "size 1 ; color white ; turn "; oldSeconds * 6 ; " ; go 38 ; home ; color black ; north" : oldSeconds = seconds